Reusing can also help save a few pounds (which we’re sure many won’t be complaining about!). Rather than purchasing that new seed tray, bird feeder or wooden planter, take some time to ask yourself if you have any items that might be able to do the same job at home.
Need a little recycling inspiration? Keeping reading to find out more…
Use plastic yoghurt pots to make plant markers – Plant markers are crucial in helping tell our plants apart and keeping track of everything. No need to spend another penny on plant markers when all you need is a yoghurt pot, permanent marker, and a pair of scissors!
Use egg cartons to make your own seed trays – Cardboard egg cartons are great for sowing dozens of seeds and then cutting them apart when it’s time to plant them out. The best part is that you don’t have to remove the plants from the pot before replanting because the cardboard cartons are biodegradable and will break down in the soil as they grow.
Turn a watering can into a planter – If you have an old leaking watering can, you can turn this into a colourful planter. The key is to ensure it’s clean and has adequate drainage by drilling holes in the bottom of the can and using rocks. You could even give it a paint to brighten it up a little.
Create a DIY bird feeder with a juice carton – Cut a large hole in the middle of the carton with a smaller hole below this for a small twig to fit inside, acting as a perch for the birds. Fill with birdseed in a spot above the ground. Why not paint your carton adding a little creative touch for your flying friends.
- Create a mini greenhouse out of plastic clam shell packaging – Your salad, baked goods and takeout boxes can be used in a range of ways within your garden. These are perfect for supporting seed germination efficiently and effectively. You can water thoroughly and close the lid after to keep the soil moist. Once the seeds begin to show small leaves, remove the lid to allow growth and prevent damping off.
Turn a milk carton into a watering can – Ensure your carton is rinsed out thoroughly. Ddrill / pierce a few small holes in the cap and then fill your carton with water and you’re good to go. Yes, it’s really that simple!
Before you buy new gardening products, remember to think of what you have right at your doorstep, and reuse or repurpose it to create a more eco-friendly green space. It’s amazing what you can create using what’s readily available to you when you put your creative cap on. Make a couple of small actions at home to make a huge positive impact on our environment
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